Southern Stars

Southern Stars

The Southern Stars is the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Southern Stars is published up to 4 times each year and is provided as an electronic version for RASNZ Members or as a printed copy for a price set to cover costs of production. Printed copies can be ordered here. If you are a distributor please contact for further details.

The collection of Southern Stars is becoming increasingly available in the Astrophysics Data System.  In due course the collection will be complete. Click here to download Glen's Guide.

The following are tables of contents for recent Southern Stars' issues.

December 2024

John Hearnshaw ..................................................
Volume 63, number 4. December 2024. p3

Alan Gilmore ........................................................
Volume 63, number 4. December 2024. p5

Wayne Orchiston & John Drummond ..........................
Volume 63, number 4. December 2024. p14

R W Evans .........................................................
Volume 63, number 4. December 2024. p32

September 2024

Southern Stars - Milestone Edition
Glen Rowe, R W Evans .......................................
Volume 63, number 3. September 2024. p3

Astronomy on Australia's East Coast and Surfing on the West Coast
John Drummond ..................................................
Volume 63, number 3. September 2024. p7

Kaikoura Dark Sky Sanctuary
Kaikoura Dark Sky .............................................
Volume 63, number 3. September 2024. p13

June 2024

May's Aurora
R W Evans ...........................................................
Volume 63, number 2. June 2024. p3

The Tekapo Meteorite
Steve Wyn-Harris .................................................
Volume 63, number 2. June 2024. p5

Origins of Ancient Egyptian Astronomy
Ahmed Farag .......................................................
Volume 63, number 2. June 2024. p9

Book Review
R W Evans .........................................................
Volume 63, number 2. June 2024. p18

March 2024

Astronomy and Astrotourism in Ethiopia
John Hearnshaw
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p3

The Remarkable Tale of Comet C/1861 J1 (Tebbutt), The Great Comet of 1861
Wayne Orchiston and John Drummond
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p6

Building the Palmerston North Observatory – Clarification
Alan Baldwin
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p18

Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (Inc) Annual Report of Council for 2023
President's Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p19

Treasurer's Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p22

Secretary's Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p32

Affiliated Societies Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p34

Southern Stars
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p35

Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p35

Standing Conference Committee
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p35

Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p36

Property and Archives
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p36

Professional Astronomers' Group
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p37

Dark Skies Group
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p37

Variable Stars South
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p39

Occultation Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p41

Comet Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p42

Space Weather Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p44

Astrophotography Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p45

Historical Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p46

Fireballs Aotearoa Section
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p50

Affiliated Societies Members' Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p51

Associated Parties Report
Volume 63, number 1. March 2024. p53

December 2023

Building the Palmerston North Observatory
Alan J Baldwin .....................................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p3

Astronomy and Astrotourism in southern China
John Hearnshaw ..................................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p8

Book Review
R W Evans .........................................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p12

The Marine Telescope Made by J.H. Marriott in 1844: New Zealand’s First Telescope
Wayne Orchiston ...............................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p13

The 2023 RASNZ Conference - part 2
Alan Gilmore ......................................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p19

Index for 2023 ..................................................
Volume 62, number 4. December 2023. p23

September 2023

William H Allen
R W Evans, Gordon Hudson, Ashley Pennell,
Graeme McKay, Pam Kilmartin, Alan Gilmore .....
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p3

Ian Crumpton
ODT & CAS Mag .................................................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p6

Accredited Meteorites of New Zealand. 1: The Makarewa Meteorite
R W Evans, Wayne Orchiston ..............................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p7

Brian Warner (1939 - 2023)
John Hearnshaw, Stan Walker ...........................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p16

2023 Fellow's Lecture
Nalayini Davies ..................................................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p18

The 2023 RASNZ Conference - Part 1
Alan Gilmore ......................................................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p19

Mare Orientale: A glimpse into the far-side basin
Harry Roberts ....................................................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p24

Dual Maxima Miras
Stan Walker .......................................................
Volume 62, number 3. September 2023. p27

June 2023

Redeemed by the Saros: Finding Totality Eighteen Years on
Mirko Harnisch .....................................................
Volume 62, number 2. June 2023. p3

Inghirami: and the Orientale ‘flows’
Harry Roberts ......................................................
Volume 62, number 2. June 2023. p7

I Want to be an Astronomer
Emma Fairweather ..............................................
Volume 62, number 2. June 2023. p9

Exploding comets in Earth’s Atmosphere Imaged by NZ Fireball Cameras James Scott, Jesse Stayte, Mia Boothroyd,
Peter McKellar, Denis Vida .................................
Volume 62, number 2. June 2023. p11

March 2023

Solar Sprays
Harry Roberts ......................................................
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p3

Book Review
R W Evans ...........................................................
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p5

Lightcurve Analysis of Selected Transiting Exoplanets and Algol
Akshay Dalvi ........................................................
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p6

NGC3293: “Gem Cluster” in Carina
Harry Roberts .....................................................
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p10

RASNZ Inc. Annual Report of Council for 2022
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p11

RASNZ Inc. Performance Report For the year ended 31 December 2022
Volume 62, number 1. March 2023. p28

December 2022

Some Recent Experiments in Analogue Photography
Ian Griffin .............................................................
Volume 61, number 4. December 2022. p3

Gems of the 'Southern Canon': Jewel Box NGC 4755
Harry Roberts .......................................................
Volume 61, number 4. December 2022. p6

Two Astronomers and Naval Radar
Grahame Fraser ...................................................
Volume 61, number 4. December 2022. p7

Why Does Light Pollution Result in Fewer Stars being Visible?
John Hearnshaw ................................................
Volume 61, number 4. December 2022. p13

RASNZ Dark Sky Awards
David Britten .......................................................
Volume 61, number 4. December 2022. p16

September 2022

William Tobin (1953 - 2022)
John Hearnshaw
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p3

The 2022 RASNZ Conference
Alan Gilmore
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p4

Alan Maxwell (1926–2021): Pioneering New Zealand Radio Astronomer Susan Maxwell Skinner, Wayne Orchiston and
Scott Parkins
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p11

Exotic Spectra: Gamma Velorum
Harry Roberts
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p17

Students With A Passion for Astronomy (SWAPA) 2022
John Hearnshaw and Nick Rattenbury
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p19

Manawatu Matariki
Alan Baldwin
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p21

AR13014: Saga of a ‘Quiet Giant’
Harry Roberts
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p22

Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
Harry Roberts
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p24

Frank Andrews (1938 - 2022)
Compiled by Gordon Hudson
Volume 61, number 3. September 2022. p25

June 2022

Election to Fellowship of the RASNZ - Nalayini Davies
John Hearnshaw, John Drummond, Steve Butler
Volume 61, number 2. June 2022. p3

QZ Carinae - A Complex and Massive Stellar System Stan Walker, with Ed Budding and Mark Blackford . 4 RASNZ Lecture Trust Report for the year 2021
John Hearnshaw ................................................
Volume 61, number 2. June 2022. p10

Astronomy Memories from Times Long Ago
Barrie Ward .........................................................
Volume 61, number 2. June 2022. p11

Some Musings on the Names We Assign Optical Telescopes, & the Changing Nature of the Historic ‘Cooke’ Refractor at Carter Observatory
Wayne Orchiston ...............................................
Volume 61, number 2. June 2022. p14

Missed from the Comet and Meteor Section report for 2021
John Drummond ................................................
Volume 61, number 2. June 2022. p38

March 2022

FRNZAS & FRASNZ Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand

Jennie McCormick MNZM, FRASNZ ...................

Volume 61, number 1. March 2022. p3

Jan Matejko’s Copernicus

William Tobin ......................................................

Volume 61, number 1. March 2022. p13

Solar Cycle 25. “Enigma”

Harry Roberts ....................................................

Volume 61, number 1. March 2022. p20

RASNZ Annual Report of Council 2021 ..............

Volume 61, number 1. March 2022. p24

December 2021

My First Exoplanet

John W. Pickering ................................................

Volume 60, number 4. December 2021. p3

The New Zealand Astronomical Society - the First Fifty Years

John Hearnshaw ..................................................

Volume 60, number 4. December 2021. p5

Book Review

Steve Butler ........................................................

Volume 60, number 4. December 2021. p13

Volume 60 Index ...................................................

Volume 60, number 4. December 2021. p14

September 2021

The Winchcombe Meteorite - from Mokoia to 2021 and Beyond

Jim Rowe .............................................................

Volume 60, number 3. September 2021. p3

Three Recent Transients of SC25

Harry Roberts ....................................................

Volume 60, number 3. September 2021. p8

The Multidisciplinary Domain of the Astronomers on Cook’s Three Voyages to the Pacific: A New Zealand Perspective

Glen Rowe, Wayne Orchiston ...........................

Volume 60, number 3. September 2021. p10

Subantartic Astronomy

Joseph Roberts .................................................

Volume 60, number 3. September 2021. p19

The Students with a Passion for Astronomy at the 2021 RASNZ conference

John Hearnshaw and Nicholas Rattenbury ......

Volume 60, number 3. September 2021. p25​​​​​​​

June 2021

Leonard Darwin, Edward Sealy and Burnham photography of the Transit of Venus in 1874

William Tobin ........................................................

Volume 60, number 2. June 2021. p3

Astronomy in the Southern Hemisphere Celebrated through Philately

Katrin Raynor-Evans ..........................................

Volume 60, number 2. June 2021. p15

Southland Stardate

R W Evans .........................................................

Volume 60, number 2. June 2021. p18

Comet and Meteor Section Report 2020

John Drummond ................................................

Volume 60, number 2. June 2021. p21

Professional Astronomers Group Report 2020

Nicholas Rattenbury ..........................................

Volume 60, number 2. June 2021. p2

March 2021

Saturn - Jupiter Conjunction

Alan Baldwin ........................................................

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p3

Hunting the Great Conjunction

Ashley Pennell .....................................................

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p4

Book Review

George Odey ........................................................

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p5

Solar Cycle 25: beginnings

Harry Roberts ......................................................

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p6

Prominences in Solar Cycle 25

Harry Roberts ......................................................

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p7

RASNZ Annual Report of Council for 2020 ..........

Volume 60, number 1. March 2021. p8

December 2020

Ashburton Astronomy Celebrates 50 Years

Alistair Perkins .....................................................

Volume 59, number 4. December 2020. p3

October Solar Observations

Monty Leventhal ...................................................

Volume 59, number 4. December 2020. p5

September 2020

The Kahukura Project

Ian Griffin ..............................................................

Volume 59, number 3. September 2020. p3

The Wai-iti Dark Sky Park

Ralph Bradley ......................................................

Volume 59, number 3. September 2020. p7

The Solar Analemma from Nelson, New Zealand

Ashley Marles ......................................................

Volume 59, number 3. September 2020. p9

The Great Inferior Conjunction of Venus 2020

Mirko Harnisch ....................................................

Volume 59, number 3. September 2020. p11

History of the Lunar Semi-Major Axis

Andrew Clifford ..................................................

Volume 59, number 3. September 2020. p13

June 2020

Denis Sullivan

Paul Chote, Karen Pollard, Joe Trodahl, Phil Yock

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p3

NASA Scientist For a Day

R W Evans ...........................................................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p5

BepiColombo Flies By

John Drummond ...................................................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p7

Notes From a Northland Summer

Bob Adam ............................................................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p8

The First Flares of Solar Cyle 25

Harry Roberts ....................................................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p10

Report on Lunar Occultations of Double Stars

Brian Loader ......................................................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p12

An Update on the Student Exoplanet Programme

T Banks, MD Rhodes & E Budding ....................

Volume 59, number 2. June 2020. p17